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Public Safety Committee (DOC/Garner) Minutes
Regular Meeting
December 1, 2009 5:00 p.m.
Newtown Public Library

Members Present:  

Warden Scott Semple Garner Correctional Facility; Patricia Llodra, First Selectman; Mike Kehoe, Chief of Police; Gino Faiella, Newtown Board of Education; Joy Previdi; Jack O’Byrne; Tammy Hazen, Clerk

First Selectmen Llodra convened the meeting at 5:00 p.m.

Public Participation

Andy Gorosko from the Newtown Bee was present.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the June 2, 1009 meeting was tabled.  There was no meeting in September.
Garner Correctional Facility Update

Warden Scott Semple, who was appointed the new Warden on July 1, 2009, stated that the current population of the facility is 613 which includes 195 inmates in general population, 341 as mental health inmates, and 77 as un-sentenced offenders.  The unsentenced population are housed separately in a designated housing unit.  

The warden explained two events in October that happened on the same day.  Two inmates set fires using “stingers” (where metallic objects inserted into electrical socket heats up and causes ignition).  The first fire was minor and was put out quickly.  The second fire was later the same day but was more extensive where it caused enough smoke to warrant the housing units to be evacuated into the gym.  Chief Kehoe was contacted but the Town’s Fire Department was not required.  The fire was controlled by the prison staff and personnel and the facility was back on line within four hours.  

On October 26th a new unit, BEU (Behavioral Engagement Unit) was established to assist inmates who display mental adaptive behaviors.  The unit is isolated within the inpatient medical area of the facility.  It consists of a 90-day program, working in three phases, and it determines the needs of the inmates and addresses their behaviors.

Mr. O’Byrne asked if there are inmates housed in the gym.  Warden Semple said there are none at this time although they have used the gym for overflow.  The First Selectman asked what the capacity of the facility is.  Warden Semple said the population is fluid but can be as high as 630.  

Warden Semple stated that they have taken a proactive approach to the HINI virus and noted there are pandemic protocols in place.  There has only been one case of HINI in their facility.  Vaccines have been offered to the staff, prioritized based on their duties within proximity to the inmates.

Ms. Previdi asked if the number of unsentenced populations fluctuate and asked about the transportations to the courts, she shared concerns about the risk of transportation up near Nunnawauk Meadows.  The Warden said the numbers of unsentenced offenders are fairly consistent and explained the transportation protocols.  The prison uses a central transportation unit.  Inmates are usually picked up around 4:00 am and those that return are back by 8:00 pm.  If they are released by the courts, they are not transported back to Newtown.

The First Selectman asked if there have been any transportation events.  Warden Semple said there have been no issues to date in Newtown and that Chief Kehoe and the Connecticut State Police Response Team would be immediately notified if such an event were to occur.  Chief Kehoe explained that the Police and Fire Departments have worked with the prison on safety and response protocols and that he is comfortable with the DOC safety procedures.  

Warden Semple explained the transportation protocols and stated they use well traveled roads and change routes frequently.  For instance, a route to Hartford could be changed from I-84 to 691.

Chief Kehoe explained that the Police Department has trained with the Connecticut State Police and the DOC on protocols.  Warden Semple has worked with the Fire Department on response protocol to assure that the Town’s fire apparatus can get into the building and that the fire personnel are comfortable operating in its environment.  

Annual Report

First Selectman Llodra asked the Warden about how budget cuts have affected the facility.  Warden Semple explained that there has been no major concerns and that they’re careful with electricity and water usage.

Mr. O’Byrne shared concerns asked about the inmates working on a clean up of Nunnawauk Road and asked how far up the road they are allowed to go.  The warden said they clean up the area of road along the field but stay away from the residential areas.  

First Selectman Llodra said she would like to amend the last sentence of the Annual Report to state that more than half of the DOC staff will be retiring due to an early retirement offer by the State of CT.

Ms. Previdi moved to accept the Annual Report as amended.  Mr. O’Byrne seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.

Old Business

Chief Kehoe updated the First Selectman on prior topics of discussion including the procedures of the town-wide notification system that has been in place in case of an event at the prison.  He explained that the first notification is from the Warden where he calls the Chief Kehoe and the First Selectman.  The second notification consists of staff at the facility calls a database of people (residents) who have signed up for the notification system.  If necessary, the town will send out a code red alert to the entire community.  It may cause a duplication of efforts where a resident may get two calls, but it serves its purpose.

First Selectman Llodra asked the Chief if the standard protocol is sufficient.  Chief Kehoe said “absolutely”.  She then asked if the general alarm system still in effect.  Chief Kehoe said the horn is no longer used but that included on the notification lists are the two nearby schools (Reed School and the High School) and an officer would immediately be dispatched to each school and to Nunnawauk Meadows.
New Business

Chief Kehoe asked the Warden if he feels there has been any budget impact that that should be put on the records.  Warden Semple said that the facility has not been impacted and that they are cutting back on things such as lighting, water usage, etc.  He stated they turned back $163,000 in the budget, most out of any facility in the State, and are still able to operate without any severe impacts.  There have been no major infrastructure changes other than pursuing the minor infrastructure changes for the BEU, which consist on creating therapeutic cubicles at the cost of $28,000.00

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.